Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentist Delray Beach

At Norton Dental Arts, our commitment extends beyond simply upholding your oral health. We also prioritize your mental health and confidence as well through the services our cosmetic dentist near me provides. Located in Delray Beach, our dedicated doctors and staff delivering the best cosmetic dentistry services are designed to ensure you not only look your best but feel it too. We understand how your smile can have an impact on self-esteem and personal presentation. That’s why our team of cosmetic dentist Delray Beach are dedicated to enhancing both your smile and confidence through a range of cosmetic dental services. We’re here to help you achieve the radiant smile you deserve, creating a positive self-image and boosting your overall well-being.

At Norton Dental Arts, our dental bonding services offer a simple, yet transformative solution for providing you with a radiant smile. Using a tooth-colored composite resin material that matches your natural tooth color, we address various cosmetic concerns, including repairing chips, closing gaps, or refining the shape and color of your teeth.

Similar to veneers, what sets dental bonding apart is its reversibility, cost-effectiveness, and simple process, providing flexibility and peace of mind without breaking the bank. Our dental bonding process is simple, yet can do wonders for creating a healthier and happier smile.

  1. The dental bonding process begins with selecting the perfect resin shade to seamlessly blend with your natural tooth color.
  2. We then prepare the tooth surface by using a tool to roughen the tooth enamel, ensuring the bonding adheres to the tooth properly.
  3. A bonding agent is then applied to ensure the resin sticks to the surface of the tooth properly
  4. After the bonding agent is applied, our cosmetic dentist near me will precisely apply and sculpt the composite material to achieve the desired shape and contour of the teeth.
  5. Once the composite is molded to perfection, the resin is then cured using a special light to harden and strengthen it for durability during chewing.
  6. Our cosmetic dentist will then meticulously adjust the shape of the tooth/teeth to ensure a seamless fit and appearance before giving them a professional polish.

The lifespan of dental bonding can range between 3 and 5 years before they will need to be repaired due to cracks, chips or staining. However, the dental bonding process is simple, leaving you with a radiant, flawless smile that exudes confidence. You can trust a cosmetic dentist near you at Norton Dental Arts for experienced and caring dental bonding services that are tailored to your unique needs, delivering outstanding results with every smile transformation.

Another service related to cosmetic dentistry near you that we offer includes veneers. Veneers are a remarkable solution for enhancing the aesthetics of your teeth with unparalleled precision and natural-looking results. Veneers are thin yet strong coverings crafted from porcelain or ceramic material, which are then meticulously placed over the outer surface of the tooth. They are ideal for patients seeking to improve the appearance of their stained, chipped, or crooked teeth or those with extensive fillings. An easy way to create a transformative solution that blends seamlessly with your natural smile, veneers are durable and long-lasting cosmetic dentistry service.

Our skilled cosmetic dentists provide a range of veneer options that are tailored to meet each of our patient’s unique needs, preferences, and budgets, including:

  • Direct Composite Veneers – Direct composite veneers offer a minimally invasive application process. The composite resin material is applied directly to the teeth to provide swift and efficient results.
  • Indirect Composite Veneers – Indirect composite veneers, on the other hand, are custom-made by our team and then applied with to the teeth with precision. This type of veneers offers enhanced durability and resilience against abrasions.
  • Porcelain Veneers – For the best result in both aesthetics and longevity, porcelain veneers are the best bet. They are meticulously crafted to fit your teeth perfectly, providing a durable and lifelike solution that elevates your smile to new heights.

With our extensive veneer services, our team of dentists near you, can provide you with the radiant, confident smile you’ve always desired. Trust Norton Dental Arts for veneer treatments that deliver stunning results and exceed your expectations and desired results.

Our team of cosmetic dentists in Delray Beach understand the desire for a brighter, more radiant smile, which is why we offer professional teeth whitening services that surpass the many over-the-counter options. While store-bought whitening products may promise the same results as professional teeth whitening, they often fall short of delivering the transformative effects that you truly desire.

Professional teeth whitening, on the other hand, offers a superior solution backed by experience, precision, and customized products you can’t buy at the store. Our nearby cosmetic dentistry services utilize advanced techniques and high-quality bleaching agents to effectively lighten discolored teeth, remove stains, and enhance your smile’s brilliance. We offer two modern teeth whitening products:

  1. Zoom In-Office Whitening
  2. Take-Home Bleaching Trays

You can trust in the safety, efficiency, and customization of our professional-grade teeth whitening treatments. Unlike generic over-the-counter products, our whitening procedures are created to match your specific needs, ensuring optimal results without compromising the sensitivity of your teeth or your oral health. With our professional teeth whitening services at Norton Dental Arts, you can achieve the dazzling smile you’ve always dreamed of, backed by the experience and support of our dedicated cosmetic dentists. Say goodbye to store bought whitening results and hello to a brighter, more confident smile with our premium cosmetic dentistry services.

Our team at Norton Dental Arts knows that achieving a straighter, healthier smile doesn’t have to involve discomfort or inconvenience. That’s why we’re proud to offer Invisalign as an alternative teeth straightening product, which is a revolutionary cosmetic dentistry service that provides a clear, comfortable alternative to traditional braces. As certified Invisalign providers, our cosmetic dentist near you, Dr. Norton, specializes in using this advanced treatment method to help patients achieve their dream smiles discreetly and efficiently.

The Invisalign process involves wearing a series of customized, clear aligners to gradually straighten teeth, offering faster results and fewer office visits compared to traditional braces. What sets Invisalign apart is its virtually invisible design, allowing you to straighten your teeth discreetly without anyone even noticing. Additionally, the aligners are crafted from a special plastic with smooth, rounded edges, allowing for maximized comfort and minimizing irritation to your mouth and tissues. Each set of aligners is customized to fit the unique shape of your teeth and mouth, thanks to advanced 3-D computer imaging technology. This process provides a precise fit and optimal tooth movement over time, leading to beautifully aligned teeth and a confident smile. Experience the benefits of Invisalign near you, at Norton Dental Arts by contacting us today to embark on your journey to a straighter, healthier smile with ease and confidence.

Teeth Contouring Near You

Our tooth contouring services designed to enhance the symmetry and beauty of your smile with precision and care. Our tooth contouring procedure involves delicately reshaping the size, shape, or length of your teeth by gently removing minimal amounts of tooth enamel. This process allows us to create balance within your smile effectively, correcting issues such as misaligned or overlapping teeth. This will create a harmonious and proportionate appearance.

One common area of focus when we provide tooth contouring is the canine teeth, often referred to as “fang teeth”. The canine teeth can be irregular in length and disrupt the overall symmetry of the smile. However, by skillfully reshaping these teeth, we can provide a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile that boosts your confidence and self-esteem. Trust Norton Dental Arts for confident and experienced tooth contouring services customized to meet your unique dental needs, providing you with a radiant and balanced smile you’ll be proud to show off.

Contact A Delray Beach Cosmetic Dentist Near Me

At Norton Dental Arts, our dedicated team of cosmetic dentists is committed to providing you with the confident and healthy smile you want to achieve. Whether you’re interested in dental bonding, veneers, dental implants, tooth contouring, or other cosmetic dental procedures, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. From your initial consultation to the completion of your treatment plan, our experienced cosmetic dentists always prioritize your comfort, satisfaction, and oral health above all else.

We understand that each patient is unique, with their own set of dental concerns and aesthetic goals, which is why we take the time to listen to your needs and customize your treatment accordingly. With our dental experience, knowledge, and personalized approach to care, you can trust Norton Dental Arts to provide you with exceptional cosmetic dentistry services near you to provide you with the confidence you deserve. Your journey to a more radiant smile starts with our team, and we’re proud to assist you.

Contact us today to begin your journey towards a brighter, more confident smile. For more information on any other dental services, such as emergency dentist Delray Beach or root canal dentists near me, contact our office for a dentist in Delray Beach or a dentist in Lantana.